6th Annual Youth Assembly at the United Nations
(5th – 7th August, 2009, United Nations Headquarters, New York)
A. Explanation the nature of the work of this organization.
Kathak Academy, our organization, usually involves youth workers providing programs for young people to help them develop knowledge and skills as well as providing them with structured leisure time. Various types of voluntary works are also being done by the youth. Voluntary work with young people is an excellent means of being a responsible person and making a positive and valuable contribution to those less way to meet both local people and get to know their culture and activities.
The following are the nature of work / activities / action programs for youth and human development goals of this youth organization:
1. Eternity training program for school students and community youth, fishermen etc.
2. Theatre and performing arts.
(a) Cultural programs on music, dance, dram, stage show etc. for the purpose in social awareness and development.
(b) Fine Art Program including competition, exhibition at art galleries etc.
3. Education Program
(a) Child education.
(b) Mass education (reallocation of illiteracy).
(c) Education campaign for street children, or phage, day workers (child) etc.
(d) Teaching and training center.
(e) Education, vocational training for tribal youth for self employment.
(f) Various vocational training for the youth for self employment.
4. Health Program
(a) Primary health care centre for youth and female.
(b) Free medical treatment and medi aid.
(c) Awareness program on HIV/AIDS and Drugs.
(d) Child day care enter.
(e) Programs on Vaccination, Blood donation, Eye Camp etc.
(f) First Aid.
5. Environment Program
(a) Tree Plantation
(b) Safe Water, Sanitation, Arsenic education, road safety etc.
(i) Seminar, Discussion, Publicity & Campaign
(c) Different aquaculture, nursery etc.
6. Other Activities
(a) Annual sports for youth.
(b) Indoor & Outdoor games for youth.
(c) Educational tours, sight seeing, excursion, historical and important places, museum.
(d) Observing various national and international days, celebration, charity walks / runs etc.
(e) Organizing national youth debate, conferences, seminars, workshops etc.
(f) Achievement and award for potential youth and children.
(g) Relief and rehabilitation program to the affected people at the time of natural calamities.
(h) Micro-credit programs for vulnerable group such activities are offered many times.
B. Nature of the work we do within this organization.
We do various voluntary works and participate at the above mentioned programs activity. As we have action program for youth and human development goals, so we have to serve voluntarily specially by the youth and for the youth in all programs when needed.
Because in our community young people have a lot of energy, power, determination to work for build up, for that we are actively participating in the field of awareness, training, self-employment and entrepreneurship business, cultural, tourism, primary health care, child & mass education, sports teams keeping natural environment, conservation of forest etc. all over Bangladesh.
We also share experience and knowlege on exchanging view through youth exchange program and also attending various seminars, workshops, symposium, discussion, cultural activities, etc. in home and abroad.
We also try to understand new culture of this modern era and also try to improve our living standard, economic condition through various youth activities. We also want to keep peaceful environment and to leave in world together with peace and harmony.
C. Primary focus of our group’s interest
Our group’s interest in education for all. We have action program for youth and human development goals. Like eternity training program for school students and community youth fisherman in the deep sea, we give technical support to the fishery community people and SIDR affected fishery families and also pure water and sanitation in CHT area in Bangladesh. Youth of our groups are always ready to serve voluntarily because in our community young people have energy, power, determination to work for build up for that we challenge the poverty, we know and how to recover MDG’s, 2015.
We have a primary school for teaching the under previledged and school dropped children and mass education program for the illiterate people. Youth are teaching there as voluntary basis regularly with great interest and enthusiasm.
D. Why our groups wishes to attend the youth assembly
We like to participate at the ignite change now, 12th Annual Youth Assembly of united nation 2013 to August in USA in cooperation with Ministry of Youth and Sports, Govt. of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and Kathak Academy Bangladesh (KAB) a national youth & Cultural Organization of Bangladesh. Now we are in action to raise awareness to hold training for self-employment of youth, entrepreneurship business, cultural, tourism and education in Bangladesh. So we need training acquire knowledge through sharing experiences, messages from the participants of deferent countries. For that our participation is very important for our young nation.
E. Our participants will be benefited and will gather sufficient knowledge and experience on attending such kind of assembly of youth and will bring the new message for us.
F. Plan after returning to our home
When we / participants of my country will be back to our country, will arrange the awareness training and other experiences what we learn in the conference and also review the evaluation for youth in Bangladesh. We also implement the new ideas and experiences to our on going activities for obtaining better result.
G. We world like to present salient features, effective result and functions in brief of our on going activities for youth development.
Contact Number : 01818-174292
E-mail : kashemakashem@yahoo.com